Saturday, April 19, 2008

Regan's Dance Recital Invitation...

It's almost here... All are welcome to come cheer Regan on... Let me know if you can make it. The recital is on May 17th at 10am at the Carolina Theater. =)

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My sister Liza visited us!!!

My sister Liza flew to the states to visit and I got her from Friday night until Tuesday (yesterday) afternoon. I was so excited to show her our new house... We also had fun at the Heritage Festival downtown, going out Saturday night, getting our nails done, shopping, etc. She even helped me organize my bathroom and garage. (What a sister!)

At the Heritage Festival to celebrate Greensboro's Bicentennial, we got to pose with two of the four A&T students who made history on February 1st, 1960 with a sit in at the Woolworth's store in downtown Greensboro. That was pretty cool. See the pictures below.