Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

If you don't have plans for tonight and want them, come out to M'Coul's. I entered the limerick contest and am a finalist... I'll be reading my limerick to the crowd sometime between 7:45 and 8:30 tonight.


Ode to the Green…

There once was a pub called M'Coul's
That hadn't enough bar stools
At the Patty's Day party
We drank wheat and barley
And now we are all drunken fools.

One of the things I hold most dear
Is wearing my green brassiere
For Irish I am
'Tis whiskey I slam
Oh, to celebrate but once a year.

I'm writing you all this Irish toast
To remind you, not least but foremost
To drink a good beer
And, to be real sincere
When "Kiss me I'm Irish", you boast!

I also wrote this one since Doug didn't write one...

My husband, his name is Douglas
I begged him to enter this contest
He quivered in fear
And ordered a beer
So, I left him alone with his Guinness.

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