Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Easter in Pittsburgh

I'm still uploading pictures... However, you can click on the picture below to see what is uploaded so far.

Easter in Pittsburgh

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The results...

There were over 600 on-line entries and 10 finalists.... After reading our limericks to the crowd, the judges voted and...

I won FIRST place!!!

I won two nights at Atlantic Beach and two tickets to the NC Aquarium... It definitely was a fun St. Patrick's day!
St. Patrick's Day

This morning, I got the following email from last year's winner, Mike Davis. He's so funny, I had to share this with everyone. =)


Congrats on winning the Limerick Contest. As a previous runner-up and winner of the contest I can tell you that this will be one of the most rewarding years of your life. Just remember to conduct yourself with grace and dignity at all your public appearances. Remember you're a role model now. Kids who lay there at night and dream of being a limerick contest winner are now dreaming of being you. Also, you'll be asked to come up with spontaneous limericks. Don't get sucked into this, stick with the tried and true limerick that got you there.

Pace yourself, and don't succumb to the pressure like I did. I got so wrapped up in being the "Limerick Champion" I forgot who Mike Davis is. It's just a title. At the end of the day, put the crown back in the closet. My problem is that the crown REALLY looked good on me. I wanted to wear it all the time.....and the sash.

Anyway, the pressure got so great that I couldn't even submit an entry this year. Every attempt I made to write a limerick turned out to be a Hiaku. (M'Coul's rhyme contest. Nothing funny comes to mind. Guinness pints for all). It was really weird. Please don't let this happen to you.

Again, congrats.....keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.

Mike Davis

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

If you don't have plans for tonight and want them, come out to M'Coul's. I entered the limerick contest and am a finalist... I'll be reading my limerick to the crowd sometime between 7:45 and 8:30 tonight.



Ode to the Green…

There once was a pub called M'Coul's
That hadn't enough bar stools
At the Patty's Day party
We drank wheat and barley
And now we are all drunken fools.

One of the things I hold most dear
Is wearing my green brassiere
For Irish I am
'Tis whiskey I slam
Oh, to celebrate but once a year.

I'm writing you all this Irish toast
To remind you, not least but foremost
To drink a good beer
And, to be real sincere
When "Kiss me I'm Irish", you boast!

I also wrote this one since Doug didn't write one...

My husband, his name is Douglas
I begged him to enter this contest
He quivered in fear
And ordered a beer
So, I left him alone with his Guinness.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

The kids enjoyed the neighborhood Easter Egg hunt today...

Here's the Easter Hunt album...
(Click on the picture below to open...)

Easter Egg Hunt

February... My Birthday, Valentines Day Dance & Basket Ball Champions!

February was a lot of fun! Here are some pictures...